Jump Training Book
36 Week Vertical Jump Training Guide
This training program has been tested and tried with 6 athletes in Canada and this program has been seen as a huge benefit for any Basketball, volleyball or any other player who needs to jump higher. The best thing about this book is everyone can use the workouts, even if your six years old. We have approved the workouts for everyone over 6. The different workouts in this book are called:
- Nutritional Information
- Training best practices
- How to stretch
- Pool workouts (6 Levels = 12 weeks)
- 24 week land training program
The players averaged a 12 inch increase who used this Jump Training Program through the creation of the Program. This will be the hardest program you have ever done!
Is This Program Safe For Kids?
This program was tested on kids aged 11 and up and is safe for anyone over the age of 6. Younger boys and girls using this program should start on level 1. If your under 10 I would suggest running through the program but cutting the reps in half.

Available as an E-Book Download here:

After purchase of the Jump Training Book you will be redirected to the view/download page. Also within a few hours you will also be emailed a download link for your records and future downloads.
Below are the results from the 6 players who used this program before we started selling the program (last names withheld due to player age), below are the comments and results from the trials:
Nathaniel Cooper
"This is the hardest workout I have ever done!!!!!! You dont normally see 5'11 guys dunking but I can now Thank You SOOOOO Much"
(15 years old)
Male - 6'3
"At the end of the pool workouts I felt amazing, I have learned just how great a pool workout can be for you. There is hardly any impact to the knees which is great! My muscles were tired and my ankle never hurt" I gained 5 inches with the pool workout in 12 weeks.
(17 years old)
Male - 5'11
"I just finished the 24 week land program and during the last few weeks I combined the land and pool training. During the first 12 weeks I gained 9 inches and the last 12 weeks I gained 5 inches. I have always wanted to dunk, before I could hardly touch the rim and now I can throw down a DUNK, I am very pleased". I gained 17 inches in 24 weeks!
(12 years old)
Male - 5'1
"I am pleased with this program, my parents didn't think I was going to gain much due to my age but I was able to prove them wrong"
(15 years old)
Male - 6'2
"If I can give one word of advice do not skip ahead to the advanced levels as they are really hard so start with the lowest or second lowest level first".
(11 years old)
Male 4'8
"Even though Max is young he was in very great shape and was frequently lifting weights. Max was hesitant on using this program due to the limited amount of actual weights used. Max ended up loving the program due to its different difficulty levels" He gained 4 inches in 24 weeks
(16 years old)
Male 6'5
"Great program, makes you work really hard, I tried a Jump Program that cost me $99 and it made me gain 2 inches, this program gained myself 15 inches. I can now consistently dunk a Basketball" I gained 15 inches in 24 weeks

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